
Things we found on the web
Interesting and inspiring articles, interviews and videos we found on the web and to be worth reading - and to share with you : )


How Can the Inverse Conway Manoeuvre Help Drive Organisational Change?

The concept of Conway’s Law can also be applied in a reverse manner. For example, having a target architecture in mind, we can explicitly evolve communication structures within the organisations, influence the resulting system, and achieve our planned design.
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Tech company Bolt is permanently embracing a 4-day workweek

Inthis exclusive interview with Fast Company, founder and CEO Ryan Breslow says he thinks other fast-growing companies will follow suit.
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Stanford researchers identify four causes for ‘Zoom fatigue’ and their simple fixes

It’s not just Zoom. Popular video chat platforms have design flaws that exhaust the human mind and body. But there are easy ways to mitigate their effects.
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The Agile C-Suite

To create a truly agile enterprise, C-suite must embrace agile principles.
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Slack Time

Already a bit older article by Pawel Brodzinski from his Software Project Management Lean, Agile, Kanban blog: great to understand and explain Slack Time.
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A Product Manager's Job

What exactly does a product manager do?
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From C++ to the C-Suite

How Software Engineering made me a better Executive.
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Agile Team Organisation

Squads, Chapters, Tribes and Guilds: There is a growing trend around agile company organization reorganization with Agile and Scrum.
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Defining Product Design

Three elements define a product: the business, the code and the pixels. Give each a voice in all product decisions. A Dispatch from Airbnb's Design Chief.
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Designing Digital Organizations

Many companies that are facing digital disruption and considering digital transformation look to digital natives for models and roadmaps. But they can learn as much, or perhaps even more, from traditional companies that have embraced and executed digital-induced transformation—some of them even before the phenomenon was well recognized.
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What is Product Design

Chances are, if you are reading this, you work in the tech industry. Chances are, you are currently, have recently, or aspire to be involved in the creation of a modern digital product. This article aims to give you a deep understanding of the role of Product Design in this process.
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The Conjoined Triangles of Senior-Level Development

The problem of defining “Senior Developer.”
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Pecking Order at work

Organizations are often run according to "the superchicken model," where the value is placed on star employees who outperform others. And yet, this isn't what drives the most high-achieving teams. Business leader Margaret Heffernan observes that it is social cohesion — built every coffee break, every time one team member asks another for help — that leads over time to great results.
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